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The Kings’ Assassin follows the exploits of Sillik, a master of the seven laws of magic and a warrior. Complying with a telepathic summon from his father the king, Sillik returns to his home, the city of Illicia. The city is home to the survivors of the last demon war and sworn followers of the seven gods of law. Illicia was built in a vast desert called the Weeping Wastes to protect and isolate it during the early years of the city’s existence. The city now possesses great wealth and has exerted military and political influence over the known world for thousands of years. Trade routes, through the desert, to Illicia are strictly controlled to protect the city. Upon his return, Sillik learns that assassins have killed his father and his older brothers. Assassination attempts follow Sillik’s every step as he navigates the political currents of his home and attempts to determine his next moves. Making the decision to postpone his coronation until after his father’s assassin is brought to justice creates new issues. Complications mount as Lady Silvia, one of the seven gods of law, interjects herself into the affairs of Illicia. Sillik follows the clues to the assassin that his father left for him and leaves the city. Followers of the nine gods of chaos pursue him while the world’s survival hangs in balance as the seven and nine god’s battle for supremacy with humans as their pawns.


The Kings Death follows the Illician Sillik as he follows up after his partial victory in The Kings’ Assassin over the dragons of Ynak and the forces of Peol. Seeking to gather more allies, Sillik recruits the aid of the fliers of Aceon and the schools of Salone, where his cousin is wed to the king. Attacked by the monstrous schula and other dark creatures, Sillik moves decisively to gather certain artifacts needed to fight against the demons being summoned. Meanwhile in Illicia, a coup that will further destabilize Illicia and force his supporters to flee for their lives is underway. Dark Masters of the council of nine rise to oppose Illician interests. The final battle approaches as both sides rush to complete their preparations for a war that could reshape the world.


The Kings Despair concludes the trilogy began in The Kings’ Assassin and continued in The Kings Death. Sillik and his companions make their final preparation for the war that is coming.